Sunday, 20 August 2017

Testing the Aqua Quest Aquaroo Money Belt

By Keith and Heather Nicol
Daughter Kristie testing the Aquaroo money belt while tubing the Puntledge
     Most of our blog posts deal with places to visit and things to do in the Comox Valley and Vancouver Island.  But we came recently came across some wet weather gear that we have been testing and we want readers to know what we think of it. We have been getting alot of use this summer from the Aqua Quest Aquaroo money belt since we have been doing alot of tubing down the Puntledge River. This presents a potential problem since how do you get your car keys , driver’s licence and perhaps some cash etc down the river in some sort of dry bag. Since you want something that is light and easy to carry the Aqua Quest waist belt fits the bill perfectly as far as we are concerned. It is not bulky and since you wear it around your waist this keeps your hands free. It has a multi layer bagging system and we have used 8 times this summer and everything has  been bone dry when we finished despite getting soaked by waves several times on each trip down the river.  Note that you have to seal each successive layer to get the waterproof result you are looking for. 

Heather on a sea kayak trip to Tree Island taking a phone call
Hiking Mt Washington
    We have also used it on many sea kayak trips this summer and we find it a great spot to hold a cell phone, car keys etc. Although you can stow phone, car keys and driver’s license in a dry bag and put it in a hatch the fact that this is around your waist means it is ready at all times should you need to make an emergency phone call.  
      Obviously you can use this waist belt for lots of other uses even when you don’t plan on getting wet. I now use it cycling for house keys, my phone and some cash and it makes an easy to way to carry some same things when hiking. If you get caught in a downpour then it doesn’t matter since your phone and keys will stay dry. This is a great little item and is worth checking out for these types of applications. We are testing some other Aqua Quest products and will report back on those in future blogs. Another great thing is that Aqua Quest is headquartered in the Comox  Valley. For more information see:

The Aquaroo Money Belt can be used biking as well.


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