By Keith and Heather Nicol
The Snowbirds usually
come to practice in Comox, BC in April but this year they arrived in May for
their annual “pre air show” training. We have never been out sea kayaking when
they have been doing their precision flying but since they air base is
next to the ocean we thought we would check it out this year. And we weren’t
alone ....there were several other groups of kayakers out for their 2:00 pm
training session. We left Pt Holmes boat launch in Comox just before 2 pm and were
justing heading toward Cape Lazo when we heard the jets roar off. We paddled around into Kye Bay and enjoyed a seal’s
eye view of Snowbirds impressive routine. The snow capped mountains of the BC
mainland added to the scenic setting. The Snowbirds will be around for a few
more days so check out this vantage point if you own a kayak or boat. For anyone not familiar with this boat launch
it is on Lazo Road near the Comox Airport. Don’t forget to drop your launch fee
money in the slot so that this great boat launch can be maintained. And a real bonus is that you can check the water and wave conditions at the boat launch with their handy web cam-- here is the link-