By Keith
and Heather Nicol
I am always on the lookout for good quality
outdoor gear that is easy to use and built to last. In the past I have had many
sunglasses which broke after a few lens changes, that were too tight on the
temples or slipped of my nose when I was working up a sweat. So when I discovered that Rudy Project
sunglasses were very adjustable and had a clever way of changing lenses I was
more than ready to test them out.
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Rudy's dark lenses come out in the sunny weather |
I have been using Rudy’s Rydon sunglasses for
several months and so have had a chance to use them in the winter cross country
skiing as well as biking in the summer.
My first impressions are that they do everything they say and then some.
First of all, they are have many adjustments to fit every face. I find the flexible
temple arms particularly useful since they can adjusted to fit under bike helmets
and over ski toques. But you can also adjust the nose bridge and changing
lenses couldn’t be easier. Just snap one lens out and put in another better
suited to the weather. I found this very
handy when skiing at Mt Washington on Vancouver Island since you can have foggy
conditions in the morning give way to blue bird skies in the afternoon. So the
orange lenses would go on when we arrived and the dark lenses would be put on
at lunch as the skies cleared. You can
also get a variety of other colour lenses which I am keen to try out.
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Rudy's orange lenses were ideal in foggy or cloudy conditions |
Overall after 4 months of testing I can give
these glasses great marks-they are my go to glasses for just about all situations. I will do another review in a year when I
have had a chance to see how well they last. Rudy Project is an Italian Company
which also sells bike helmets and goggles. For more information on Rudy Project see:
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